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Jeanine has reviewed Bambi by Felix Salten.
“Prachtig en ook verdrietig verhaal. De auteur beschrijft de natuur zo levendig dat je je in het bos waant met de dierengeluiden en heerlijke bosgeuren om je hee...” »
Score :

16 March 2020, 15:29:20
Jeanine has added Bambi by Felix Salten to her read books
Score :

16 March 2020, 15:25:37
Jeanine has changed Bambi by Felix Salten.
“Bambi's life in the woods begins happily. There are forest animals to play with, but winter comes... ”
9 March 2020, 9:54:55
Jeanine is reading Bambi by Felix Salten.
9 March 2020, 9:09:52
Jeanine has added Bambi to the shelf E-book .
Bambi's life in the woods begins happily. There are forest animals to play with, but winter comes...
9 March 2020, 9:09:43
Jeanine has added Bambi by Felix Salten to her collection
9 March 2020, 9:09:35
Jeanine has reviewed Encyclopedie van de Holocaust by Robert Rozett.
“Een uitgebreid, goed en leerzaam boek over de duivelse holocaust, misdaan door de nazi's. Ik mis alleen wel wat onderwerpen over Nederland waaronder Corrie ten...” »
Score :

8 March 2020, 16:33:49
Encyclopedie van de Holocaust
Jeanine has added Encyclopedie van de Holocaust by Robert Rozett to her read books
Score :

8 March 2020, 16:30:14
Encyclopedie van de Holocaust
Jeanine has a left a message on Andries Mooij's wall.
“Hoi Andries,
Bij het uploaden van een foto om de kaft van een boek te wijzigen komt steeds in beeld dat er een technische storing of zo is.”
6 March 2020, 19:40:26
Andries Mooij
Jeanine has added Cat daddy to the shelf E-book .
The star of Animal Planet's popular TV show "My Cat from Hell" shares the inspiring story of one petite gray-and-white cat who turned his life aroundNas well as...
6 March 2020, 19:37:28
Cat daddy