Everyone you encounter in reality is your equal whole perfect and innocentreflection. In fiction there seem to be all kinds of differences between youand the other some even warranting a warlike stance. Something remarkableseems to happen when you listen to others fully recognizing that they are yourreflection. THIS is how you learn about yourself... The book is written so itcan be read by young and old in any part of the world and in any walk oflife. It is a universal book with one message revealed and applied through aprocess called unlearning Do unto others as you would have them do untoyou. Each chapter is a catalyst. Each catalyst is designed to stimulate andrelease blockages in identity. Through the release of these blockages ahealthier and easier relationship with oneself and others is experienced. « is a network for social reading. We help readers discover new books and authors, and bring readers in contact with each other and with writers. Read more ».
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