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Anita Verkerk
Anita Verkerk has reviewed Bridget Jones: mad about the boy by Helen Fielding.
“Op zich is het vast wel een aardig boek, maar het is erg vermoeiend om te lezen. Om de paar regels wordt er een datum met tijdstip genoemd en daardoor kom je ni...” »
Score :

22 December 2013, 19:21:58
Bridget Jones: mad about the boy
Dennis has added Bridget Jones: mad about the boy to the shelf Nog Lezen.
Bridget Jones—one of the most beloved characters in modern literature (v.g.)—is back! In Helen Fielding's wildly funny, hotly anticipated new novel, Bridget fac...
17 October 2013, 22:43:50
Bridget Jones: mad about the boy
Marissa has added Bridget Jones: mad about the boy by Helen Fielding to her wishlist
11 October 2013, 12:06:08
Bridget Jones: mad about the boy
Andries has changed Bridget Jones: mad about the boy by Helen Fielding.
“Bridget Jones—one of the most beloved characters in modern literature (v.g.)—is back! In Helen Fielding's wildly funny, hotly anticipated new novel, Bridget fac...”
11 October 2013, 8:57:11
Bridget Jones: mad about the boy
Andries has changed Bridget Jones: mad about the boy by Helen Fielding.
“Bridget Jones—one of the most beloved characters in modern literature (v.g.)—is back! In Helen Fielding's wildly funny, hotly anticipated new novel, Bridget fac...”
11 October 2013, 8:53:08
Bridget Jones: mad about the boy