
In Your Dreams
In Your Dreams
Ever been offered a promotion that seems too good to be true? You know thesort theyd be insane to be offering to someone like you. The kind where yousnap th... »

Only Human
Only Human
Something is about to go wrong. Very wrong. What do you expect if the Supreme Being decides to get away from it all for a few days, leaving his naturally inq... »

Bitter Lemmings
Bitter Lemmings

Wish You Were Here
Wish You Were Here

Faust Among Equals
Faust Among Equals

Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes
Omnibus 7 »

Walled Orchard
Walled Orchard
Athens is in the middle of her golden age: Pericles is building the Parthenon; Sophocles, Euripides and Socrates are writing words which will live forever; a... »

Monsters are roaming the streets of London. Of course some monsters arescarier than others Unicorns? No bother. Vampires? Big deal. Werewolves? Hohum. Lawyer... »

May Contain Traces Of Magic
May Contain Traces Of Magic
There are all kinds of products. The good ones. The bad ones. The ones... »