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Dure spitsen scoren niet
Dure spitsen scoren niet
Dure spitsen scoren niet<br/>Simon Kuper<br/>Stefan Szymanski<br/>Samenvatting<br/>en andere raadsels van het voetbal verklaard<br/><br/>Waarom wint Nederlan... »

The Comparative Economics of Sport Volume 2
The Comparative Economics of Sport Volume 2
The Comparative Economics of Sport »

Math Facts
Math Facts
Survival Guide To Basic Mathematics »

Why England Loses, Why Germany and Brazil Win, and Why the U.S., Japan, Australia, Turkey--And Even Iraq--Are Destined »

Soccernomics: Why England Loses, Why Spain, Germany, And Brazil Win, And Why The Us, Japan, Australia, Turkey-and Even Iraq-are Dest
Soccernomics: Why England Loses, Why Spain, Germany, And Brazil Win, And Why The Us, Japan, Australia, Turkey-and Even Iraq-are Dest
Why England Loses, Why Spain, Germany, and Brazil Win, and Why the US, Japan, Australia, Turkey-And Even Iraq-Are Destined to Become the Kings of the World's... »

National Pastime
National Pastime
Examines, from an economic perspective, how the different traditions of soccer and baseball have shaped the possibilites for their commercial organization an... »

Les attaquants les plus chers ne sont pas ceux qui marquent le plus
Les attaquants les plus chers ne sont pas ceux qui marquent le plus
Et autres mystères du football décryptés »

Why England Lose
Why England Lose
At last, football has its answer to Freakonomics, The Tipping Point and »

National Pastime
National Pastime
How Americans Play Baseball And The Rest Of The World Plays Soccer »

Playbooks And Checkbooks
Playbooks And Checkbooks
an Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports »