
Erotic Colour Prints Of Ming Period
Erotic Colour Prints Of Ming Period
With an Essay on Chinese Sex Life from the Han to the Ch-Ing Dynasty, B.C. 206-A.D. 1644. »

Judge Dee at Work
Judge Dee at Work
Eight Chinese Detective Stories »

The Haunted Monastery
The Haunted Monastery
Two Chinese Detective Novels, With 27 Illustrations by the Author »

The Chinese Lake Murders
The Chinese Lake Murders
A Judge Dee Detective Story »

The Lacquer Screen
The Lacquer Screen
A Chinese Detective Story »

Sexual Life in Ancient China
Sexual Life in Ancient China
A Preliminary Survey of Chinese Sex and Society from Ca. 1500 BC till 1644 AD »

The Chinese Maze Murders
The Chinese Maze Murders
A Judge Dee Mystery »

The Willow Pattern
The Willow Pattern
A Judge Dee Mystery »

The Chinese Nail Murders
The Chinese Nail Murders
A Judge Dee Detective Story »

The Emperor's Pearl
The Emperor's Pearl
A Judge Dee Mystery »