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Ellen has added Topshow by Jan Hillenius & Michel van Egmond to her wishlist 18 October 2019, 15:38:05
ritacornegge has reviewed Kieft by Michel van Egmond. “Eerlijk verslag over zijn strijd tegen de verslaving. Respect hiervoor!”» Score :
3 October 2018, 8:02:35
ritacornegge has added Kieft by Michel van Egmond to his read books Score :
3 October 2018, 8:00:56
Liesbeth has added Kieft by Michel van Egmond to her read books Score :
23 December 2016, 19:29:01
Liesbeth has added Kieft by Michel van Egmond to her read books Score :
9 August 2016, 11:08:41
Hens has added Gijp by Michel van Egmond to his read books Score :
20 January 2016, 15:14:58
Hens has added Topshow by Jan Hillenius & Michel van Egmond to his read books Score :
12 November 2015, 11:23:05
Hens has reviewed Kieft by Michel van Egmond. “De manier waarop Wim Kieft omgaat met zijn verslaving is bewonderenswaardig. Hij wil deze moeilijke strijd winnen, maar weet ook dat een zwak moment hem zomaar ...”» Score :
7 April 2015, 11:27:36 - 1 like
Antoinette has added Gijp by Michel van Egmond to her read books Score :
21 September 2014, 16:37:37
Marijke has added Gijp by Michel van Egmond to her read books Score :